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Why Leverage Digital Capabilities to Boost Recoveries

Digital communication channels are being successfully incorporated into collections service strategy to improve recovery and the customer experience. Though the traditional collection strategies of printed letters and agent phone calls are still an effective method of recovering outstanding balance, the downside of this legacy approach is the high operational costs (i.e. printing notices, administration, handling, […]

Why you should consider outsourcing your call center services

There is no question that your business needs a communications center to interact with your customers. But what should it look like, and how can you build those relationships without over-investing valuable time or money? How will you continue to communicate effectively as you scale your business? These questions can plague a company struggling with […]

Maintaining Debt Collection Diplomacy While Collecting for Government Agencies

As we start the fourth quarter of the year, we find ourselves reflecting on how debt collection for government agencies is particularly challenging. The debt collection agency must maintain the highest standards for a positive citizen experience while still managing the complexities of a bureaucratic setting. TSI is particularly accomplished in this area, having spent […]

How Does Better Accounts Receivable Management Strengthen Client Relationships?

The vast majority of customers have no problem paying what they owe you and doing so on time. But poor accounts receivable management can frustrate even your best customers. Customers in general expect a bill at a certain time and expect it to be due within a certain time frame, and they’re happy with that. But […]

Why Strong Branding is Critical for Financial Services Organizations

What we know about the products and services we use is due to branding. Branding is the connection between the company and the customer and is vital for every business of every size in every industry. A business’ brand is an asset with real value. It links a company’s name, logo, graphics, online presence, and […]

The Top 5 Financial Factors Impacting Educational Institutions in 2019

Educational institutions have many financial considerations that help them educate students. Finances are a major part of going to college for students, and many financial factors impact educational institutions as well. Economic forces can impact enrollments, endowments, and other aspects of a college or university’s financial position. Here are some of the top financial factors […]

Actionable Tips for Healthcare Providers on Reducing AR Days

Healthcare finance has always been complex, and it has only become more so in recent years. However, throughout all the adjustments made necessary by new payer models and other changes to how healthcare is delivered and paid for, the metric of Days in Accounts Receivable (DAR) has remained a top indicator of a healthcare provider’s […]

Does Your AR Department Have This Fortune 500 Policy? It Should!

Small and mid-sized businesses usually pride themselves on delivering personalized service to customers. People generally enjoy interacting with businesses that know their names and understand their needs. A small or mid-sized business may have a more accurate idea of which customers would like which new products or services, and they rely on long-term customer loyalty […]

4 Ways the Right Debt Collection Partner Helps Your Team

When you’re running a small or mid-sized business, one of the demands on you, among many, is collecting payments you are owed. Sure, there may be someone on your team who might be able to manage this, or maybe everyone is responsible for working with their clients to collect debts. However, this can cause stress […]

6 Warning Signs of Financial Trouble for Your Small Business

Any entrepreneur knows there’s a chance that their business may not take succeed. Risk is inherent in any new business venture, of course. The Small Business Administration says that, while about 80% of small businesses make it through their first year, only 50% of small businesses make it past the five-year mark. Only one in three celebrate […]

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