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Group 12

Accounts receivables are arguably one of the key areas of concern for any financial institution. More often than not, financial...

Group 12

Whether you’re operating a Montessori school for preschool-age children or a major university that educates the brightest young minds, you need cash...

Group 12

Companies may sometimes become accustomed to thinking of bad debt as a cost of doing business. After all, every accounting...

Group 12

As we start the fourth quarter of the year, we find ourselves reflecting on how debt collection for government agencies...

Group 12

When unpaid accounts interrupt your cash flow, you have two options: Collect the debts yourself or hire a collection agency....

Group 12

Self-service technology options are changing debt collections. Technology has dramatically changed debt collections – along with every other industry sector....

Group 12

“Streamlined” is an adjective most people wouldn’t normally associate with debt collection. B2C or B2B debt collection can be fraught...

Group 12

Customer loyalty is largely based on customer experience. In fact, customer experience is becoming an increasingly important factor in customer...

Group 12

Small and mid-sized businesses usually pride themselves on delivering personalized service to customers. People generally enjoy interacting with businesses that...

Group 12

When someone fails to pay a debt, different explanations may follow. You might have heard every excuse in the book,...

Group 12

When it comes to debt collection, one of the most important things is to continue the positive relationship you already...

Group 12

When your client or customer owes you money, challenges may arise. Perhaps you have a number of clients or customers...

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